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Who We Are

The International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) represents the interests of more than 400,000 members across North America.
The IUOE is a diversified trade union whose members work as heavy equipment operators, mechanics and surveyors in the construction industry. The union proudly represents stationary engineers, workers employed in the operations and maintenance of hotels, hospitals, high rises, petrochemical and public facilities, in addition to nurses and other health-industry workers.
The IUOE political program maintains a proud history of bipartisanship, supporting elected officials on both sides of the aisle. Collectively with our local unions, we unite the voices of our members on core economic issues at all levels of government, including Congress, federal agencies, state and local governments, and the Canadian national and provincial governments.

Legal Structure of the Entity

EARN-International Union of Operating Engineers is a federal Independent Expenditure-only Committee, registered with the U.S. Federal Election Commission.  EARN-IUOE supports U.S. candidates who are committed to the policy goals and values that IUOE members embrace.